How To Create A Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR)

A DNR is a medical order that states you don't want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if your heart or breathing should stop.

Estate Planning

If you have a DNR, doctors, emergency medical service responders, and other health professionals are legally obligated to respect your medical decisions and may not attempt CPR, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), intubation, or other life-saving techniques.

When A DNR Goes Into Effect

A DNR only applies in situations where the patient’s heart or breathing has stopped. Even with a DNR, a patient may still receive medical treatments, medicines, surgeries, and procedures.

How To Create A DNR

A DNR must be completed with a doctor. Your doctor will provide you with your state’s DNR forms and will counter-sign the documents with you.

Creating A Complete Advance Directive

Be aware that Advance Directives and Living Wills are not DNRs. Even if your Advance Directive or Living Will states that you wish not to be resuscitated, you need to fill out the specific DNR forms with your doctor. Without a proper DNR, doctors, emergency medical service responders, and other health professionals will attempt resuscitation if your heart or breathing stop.

Helpful Tip: To have a complete Advance Directive, you need a Living Will and a Health Care Proxy (or Health Care Power Of Attorney). Creating a DNR does not mean that your Living Will can be ignored. You can have DNR and still receive life-support treatments.

How To Store Your DNR

It's important that medical professionals know you've created DNR forms and do not wish to be resuscitated. In order to make sure that your caregivers and other medical professionals know that you've signed a DNR, you'll want to give a copy of the form to your doctor, to any medical specialists or health professionals who may be caring for you, and to your Health Care Proxy. In addition, you'll want to make sure that a copy of your DNR form is prominently displayed in your home or somewhere on your person so that emergency medical responders know not to attempt resuscitation. Your doctor can help you get an official DNR bracelet, which you can wear at all times to let emergency medical responders and other health professionals know that you have signed a DNR.

WRITTEN BY Everplans Team