In Pennsylvania, the penalties associated with a new DUI offense are dictated by the Tier of your offense and whether or not you have a prior conviction for DUI within 10 years of the date of your current charges. Please review the information below to determine what penalties you may be facing if convicted on a new DUI charge. If you are charged with a DUI offense, you need to retain a qualified DUI attorney to represent you, or apply for a public defender in the county where you were charged. For a free confidential consultation, call 412-447-5580.

Tier 1 – Lowest Tier Pennsylvania DUI Offenses - Two Types of Charges #1 - Incapable of Safe Driving Without an Accident or Refusal (75 Pa.C.S. §3802(a)(1)) #2 - Adult with BAC of .08-.99% (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(a)(2))

Third and Subsequent Offense Penalties

Fourth Offense Penalties

Tier 2 – Middle Tier Pennsylvania DUI Offenses - Five Types of Charges #1 - Incapable of Safe Driving With an Accident Causing Bodily Injury or Property Damage (75 Pa.C.S. §3802(a)(1)) #2 - Adult with BAC between .10% to .159% (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(b)) #3 – DUI by Minor Aged 18-20 with BAC of .02% or Higher (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(e)) #4 – DUI by Commercial Vehicle Driver with BAC of .04% or Higher (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(f)) #5 – DUI by School Bus Driver with BAC of .02% or Higher (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(f))

Third Offense Penalties

Fourth and Subsequent Offense Penalties

Tier 3 – Highest Tier Pennsylvania DUI Offenses - Three Types of Charges #1 - Incapable of Safe Driving With Refusal of Blood/Breath Testing (75 Pa.C.S. §3802(a)(1)) #2 - Adult with BAC of .16% and Above (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(c)) #3 – DUI With Controlled Substance in System (75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(d))

Third and Subsequent Offense Penalties

Pittsburgh DUI Defense Attorney David Zuckerman has the trial experience and negotiation skills necessary to handle your DUI case from start to finish. For a free telephone consultation, please call 412-447-5580.


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